New duo proves country music stereotypes wrong

New duo proves country music stereotypes wrong

Maddie & Tae

Country singers Madison Marlow and Taylor Dye, Maddie & Tae, released their debut album on August 28. This album includes their hit single “Girl in a Country Song”, which received over 23 million views on VEVO, and many other new releases such as “Shut Up and Fish” and “Sierra”.

According to press materials, the duo was formed one St. Patrick’s Day when the girls sat down to write “Girl in a Country Song”,“merely [to express] their honest reaction to the reductive tilt of today’s ‘Bro Country’”. Along with a co-writer they proved the stereotypes wrong about country music.

I am not really much of a believer in the whole country music genre, but this album I actually like. It’s not just about how they got their heart broken by a guy or got drunk on the porch; it’s more about breaking the stereotypes set in place by previous artists.

“I was fishing, he was wishing we were kissing

I was getting madder than a hornet in an old Coke can

Getting closer, sliding over, playing Captain Casanova

Reaching up, trying to hold my reeling hand

Saying I’m pretty, saying he’s in love

And how it don’t get any better than this

I said, ‘yeah, it could boy, if you would shut up and fish’”

This is the chorus to “Shut up and Fish”, my favorite song on the album.

At first glance the girls are just another Taylor Swift-wannabe, you know before she went pop, but take a little while and keep listening, the experience is worth it.