Staffers share that one thing that embodies Christmas to them


Christmas means many different things to many different people. For some it’s a time of remembrance with the memory of loved ones swirling in the chilly air like miniature snow flurries. For others it’s just a time of relaxation and stressful family gatherings. But for everyone, the holidays are a time of celebration with lights, decorations, festivities and music.

What embodies Christmas to you? I asked my fellow staffers this question and these were their responses.

Christmas Tree

Christmas tree

The Christmas tree was by far the most popular symbol among us. “You can make it so sentimental and really make it about family and Christmas,” Lexi Pritchard, senior, said. Emma Ruby, sophomore, agreed. “We don’t have them any time except Christmas and [they] encompass the Christmas spirit,” she said. And in sophomore Declan Quinn’s house, Christmas doesn’t start until the tree is put up.

Lights and Decorations

Christmas lights

I don’t know about y’all but the thought that it’s almost Christmas doesn’t hit me until I see the people on my street putting up their Christmas lights and decorations. Willow McPherson, senior, agreed. “I realize Christmas is on the way when the mall starts putting up decorations,” she said. Junior Megan Williams’ family has a tradition where they go to Dallas and look at the lights on the beautiful houses. “That always reminds me of Christmas,” she said.

Christmas Music

Emily Miller, newspaper adviser, loves the seasonal music. “Christmas music is automatically uplifting, it puts me in a festive mood. Radio stations and stores start playing it immediately after Thanksgiving and, to me, it never gets old,” she said. Angel Garcia, sophomore, went further and called Mariah Carey “the queen of Christmas”. And even though he listens to her all year round, her Christmas hit “All I Want for Christmas is You” is extra special this time of year.


house in snow2

Tyler Davis, senior, said that snow reminds him “of being a child during the holidays”. Every kids’ dream is to wake up on Christmas morning with a thick layer of fresh snow to spend the day in. And to be honest, many adults also dream of a White Christmas.

What is the first thing you think about when you think of Christmas? This is the embodiment of Christmas to you and how it lives in your heart.

Merry Christmas to all and to all a good Christmas break.