Freshman forewarnings

Freshman forewarnings

The transition from junior high to high school is a drastic change and can be quite daunting. To help incoming freshmen, I have compiled a list of the Top Ten Things You Need to Know about High School.

1. Being in high school means that you have a lot more freedom, but try not to become intoxicated by your new-found autonomy. Always be sure to follow the guidelines given, unless you want an AP on your heels.

2. Most teachers are very strict about tardies, and unexcused absences have all sorts of icky consequences. Dear freshman, don’t let yourself be banished to the lunch d-hall table. It’s bleak and lonely there. This leads me to my next point…

3. If you’re having trouble getting to your classes, find a quicker route. Although the school probably seems labyrinthine to you at the moment, you’ll have the floorplan etched in your brain in no time. And believe it or not, you can get from A to E in seven minutes. Probably even five. Let’s set some records!

4. However, in that record setting, be sure to walk on the correct side of the hallway during passing periods. Constantly bumping into people is incredibly stressful, I know from experience, and honestly, you’re fighting a losing battle. Eventually the overwhelming tide of hallway veterans will overcome you. Don’t be swept away!

5. Be respectful towards your peers and teachers. Don’t be that freshman. If you are currently that freshman, join a support group; you aren’t cool.

6. Get your work in on time. For the first time in your life, your grades actually matter, and high school teachers are a lot less forgiving. You will get a lot of zeros and can possibly fail the class. One way to avoid this is…

7. Do your homework as soon as you get home so you’re not up very late. Staying up incredibly late to do your homework can make you even more stressed. Make netflix a weekend romance and the universe will reward you.

8.  Get plenty of rest! As I’m sure you’ve noticed, high school starts way, way, WAY earlier than junior high. I would recommend reeling back the bedtime hour a little, or you’ll find yourself catching up on z’s in math. Not that I’ve ever done that…

9. Don’t be afraid to ask for help! Whether it’s navigating the building or homework problems, (or tutoring for lessons not quite understood because of exhaustion) do not hesitate to ask for help if you cannot figure it out on your own. Teachers love kids who show an interest and initiative, so collect browny and gpa points all at once!

10. And most importantly, enjoy your year! You only experience your freshman year once, so make the most of it!

Being in high school is not as frightening as it looks, so you freshmen will be fine. Have a great year!